Long head Miniature Schnauzer dog is a small dog with a big beard and mustache. Miniature Schnauzeris very energetic dog,Miniature Schnauzer is also considered to be active dog.
So before going to buy Miniature Schnauzer you must know about the dog it help help both dog and the dog owner.
Miniature Schnauzeris a apartment dog barks only when required temprament is cool not very noisy. Miniature Schnauzer is a very charming and attractive dog, a eye catcher dog.
Miniature Schnauzeris the best companion to children treat them as delicate and like a friends. Miniature Schnauzer is also known as Zwergschnauzer Originated from germanybelong to AKC and group of Terrier Group.
Miniature Schnauzer height varies from in case of Dogs 11-15 inches and in case of bitches 10-12 inches accordingly weight of male dog is 10-15 pounds whereas weight of Miniature Schnauzer Bitches 10-13 pounds
Miniature Schnauzer temprament is very jolly, loving , caring and intelligent.children love to play with Miniature Schnauzer and always remain energetic.
Miniature Schnauzer is a good apartment dog because it is an excellent watchdog, and a great mouse catcher.
Color usually of Miniature Schnauzer is Jet black. with a harsh Coat. This information will help you take good decision when you will go to buy Miniature Schnauzer dog in UK