The Beagle has very charming, unmatched personality, courage, stamina is admirable in beagle dog. Beagle is an excellent family pet or a family dog whatever way you want to buy, Beagle is soft and good friend with children and eager to romp and play with kids.
Beagle is an very important independent breed and will always remain like that.Beagle can also be called as English Beagle reason he is originated from Great Britain
Beagle belong to group AKC, Hound Group a great dog.Beagle height is between 14inches to 16 inches if we convert beagle dog height into centimeters it is 36-41cm.
Well in case of female beagle dog height is 13-15 inches ans similarly if we convert into centimeters it is 33-38cm, If we talk about weight beagle dogs weighs 22-25 pounds and if we convert it into kilo gram it is 10-11kg.
If we talk about TEMPERAMENT of beagle dog or beagle puppy The Beagle is very sociable, very brave, smart and very intelligent, very calm and cool and the best part is it is loving. Beagle puppy is sweet, gentle, cute, lively and curious dog that just loves each and everyone specially kids.
The Beagle is determined and watchful dog. It requires patient and a good training. This breed doesn't like being left alone he feels sick. The Beagle tends to follow its nose wherever it goes and was bred for the hunt - which means baying, howling and barking.
Colour combination of beagle hound colors are white, black, tan, red, lemon and blue mottle, blackish, redish.