Bullmastiff Puppies for sale

Bullmastiff is a powerful built, massive dog of great britain. Though it is bulky but not look like clumsy moves are very edge cutting roams around corner to corner very easily and with passion to protect the family and house.

Bullmastiff a strong dog height measures between 22 to 28 inches and female bullmastiff ranges between 22-25 inches, and weighs near about 100 pounds to 125 pounds, depending on the dog locations and family history.

Broad headed bullmastiff coat is short and smooth and bullmastiff come in colours like red, white spots on chest, fawn colour and tan colours in UK.

Before buy a puppy of Bullmastiff we should know about the dog, Bullmastiff is a very good dog, temperamant is superb he will fight with strangers but love family memebers, he is charming, is loyal , cheerful, always alert, problem solving.

Becasue of short coat Bullmastiff does not require much grooming. An occasionaly twice in week will work for you but i know Bullmastiff will be bes t ffamily friend for you and regualrly you will be brushing his or her coat to pamper Bullmastiff.